Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Introductory Stage

File this one under Ideas of Uncertain Quality.

I'm starting up this blog because Livejournal isn't a very good place to talk about video games, music, anime, books and movies, at least not if you want any immediate feedback. It probably is a good place to talk about more personal things, so I'll be doing that - and only that - there from now on. The whole time I've had the Livejournal, I've felt like I'm doing some precarious balancing act between being too formal or not formal enough in my writing, because it seemed like I needed to be that consistent in the one forum where I was going to post everything.

Recently, it occurred to me that I could have more than one place to say the things I wanted to say, and adjust styles accordingly, and I decided that was a good idea.

More recently, I decided to stop giving so much of a damn about things like stylistic consistency on the Internet because, well... It's the Internet.

So here I am. Let's hope this works.